7.-9. Juni 2024, 9:00-17:00 Uhr
Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) is used to describe an individual’s
unique process of decision-making, based on the study of human actions
and interactions.
By the end of the course, each participant will be able to interpret an MPA-Profile chart and
comprehend their own characteristic process of making decisions. In addition, MPA-Profiles
of participants are used to create a hypothetical team, and students learn concepts of team
balance and how MPA can be applied to improve collaboration.
Ort: Schirpitzer Weg 20, 12355 Berlin, Germany
Tutors: James McBride, MA, R-MPA (warrenlambtrust.org)/ Antja Kennedy, R-MPA, CMA (antjakenndy.de)
Weitere Informationen: Price of workshop and profile
Regular price €1510
Early bird price €1430 (pay by 15 April 2024)